Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday, April 18, 2010

20 Weeks- Half way there!!

How far along: 20 weeks

Total weight gain: 14 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Oh yes, had to give in and buy a few pairs of pants... although they are still just a little too big and I have to keep pulling up the elastic

Sleep: Pretty good, but I can't sleep nearly as late as I used to (maybe that's a good thing)

Best moment this week: I started feeling the baby kicking! I think she enjoys the Baby Plus "lessons" - that's when I feel it the most :)

Movement: Yup- especially during the Baby Plus lessons.

Gender: Girl! (Madison Elizabeth)

Labor signs: None

Belly button: Innie

Cravings: Nothing in particular... and I'm not nearly as hungry this week as I was last week

What I miss: Mitchell being home every night :(

Stretch marks: None that I have noticed…

What I am looking forward to this week: The ultrasound tomorrow- to confirm with the doctor what we saw in the 4D ultrasound

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

19 Weeks

How far along: 19 weeks

Total weight gain: 12 lbs.

Maternity clothes: Not yet, still working the belly band

Sleep: Not too bad- the body pillow helps. Much better now that my nose isn’t as stuffed up as it was a few weeks ago (had to keep the humidifier running all night!).

Best moment this week: After a lot of whispering and staring, one girl in my physical science class comes up to me and cautiously asks "We were wondering... Are you with child?" After laughing, I said yes, and asked why she chose the wording she did. She responded, "I thought that would be more polite than saying- are you knocked up?"

Movement: Haven’t noticed any yet…

Gender: Girl! (Madison Elizabeth)

Labor signs: None

Belly button: Still in… nothing different

Cravings: FOOD- I don’t care what, I’m just HUNGRY

What I miss: Being able to button my pants

Stretch marks: None that I have noticed…

What I am looking forward to this week: Finishing painting the nursery- Aubrie and I drew out the meadow design and painted it last week. Just need to repaint the chair rail and touch up.

New Blog!

Everyone has told me to keep notes about my pregnancy to help me remember everything I am going through. So far it has been a fairly painless pregnancy (compared to many of the stories I have heard!). I had a very uneventful 1st trimester (thankfully), and was not sick at all. I haven't gained a whole lot of weight, and at 19 weeks I am still wearing my pre-pregnancy clothes with the help of a belly band. I am now starting to show, and people at school are finally starting to notice.

Last week was spring break, and I used my time off to start working on the nursery. The last day before spring break we went in for a 3D ultrasound (which was really cool!) and found out we are having a GIRL! We bought the bunny meadow crib bedding from Babies R Us. We then painted the room pink and brown (brown on the bottom and light pink on the top, with a white chair rail in the middle). My friend Aubrie then helped me by sketching the design on the bedding and projecting it into one of the walls, allowing us to paint a meadow scene on the wall behind the crib.

I also spent much of my spring break creating the baby registries (on Babies R Us and Target) and looking at baby girl names. We finally decided on Madison Elizabeth.

I guess that's about it for now- mostly I just want to keep this for my own personal records to be able to remember what I was thinking and experiencing along the way to Madison's Birth Day!